- rocking internet backbones since 2000 A.D.
Though code dumps all over.. which sometimes appears scary to its twisted author as well... everything put here are meant to be interesting, free and simple to understand for anyone wading through. Home of 'Fireworkx', a screensaver comes along Linux. It is all 'open source' and the author trying to demonstrate how it is done. Along with, trying to stuff up this website so that.. from the over all looks it appears to be an immensely thick, bubbling and non-flammable website of ronybc! despite all other controversial anamorphic mythical aspects.
Latest update : 2020 -
Live rebuilder page for All India Radio stations' RSS feeds.
Pyrotechnics shell explosions simulation, in other words.. an astonishing eye-candy, live animating colorful fireworks
super-blasts..! Which now comes along
XScreenSaver collection shipped on most Linux and Unix systems running the X11 Window System and ported to MacOS X as well. Here is the original standalone version.
Home-brewed recursive algorithm for solving the famous eight queens chessboard puzzle, written in C.
Extremely low distortion audio power amplifier design. LTSpice simulations shows very good results nearing 0.00001% THD with >50W r.m.s output power. Though that far might not be possible in real world, this will sure be one of the cleanest sounding amps around. The development of this project is currently crawling due to some TMS shortages!. Anyway.. it will get finished before the next asteroid hits the earth.
How to improve the audio output quality of that old Creative AudioPCI soundcard. Tweaking by opamp swapping, replacing coupling capacitors and tuning audio sample rate conversion.
To do things for improving Linux desktop experience.
An intermediate layer for fast and flat, non block boundary limited access to Microchip PIC uC Flash memory.
Pyrotechnics shell explosions simulation program, entirely written in win32 assembly language. Have MMX blur and floating-point flashing effects. From the Windows 98 age, still exploding.
A Win32 ASM winsock socket server example. Ultra sophisticated utility to eject CDROM drive tray by command send over network. In fact innocent, open and deliberately having such characteristics; some anti-virus softwares suspects the 'sophisticatness' of this stuff so seriously that sometimes even this site gets banned..! its such a funny utility, not to be put on serious machines for too long, for some kind of reasons.
Using GRUB, an USB flash drive can be deployed with mulitboot choices of Android x86, Linux Mint, Manjaro Linux live boot ISO images and Windows 10 setup alongside.
Everything else is put there, vast dumps of random matters. While it is the place where most action happens.
Ø About this website
URL history, earlier appearances on the web:
Ø geocities.com/sparc32
Ø ronybc.8k.com
Made with 100% pure HTML, hand picked tags and CSS flavorings. Low fat, low cholesterol. Manually processed and bottled to keep it Simple, Fast loading and Easy digestible for almost all Internet browsers. Serve chilled above 1024x768.

Ingredients: Ultra-POWERFUL extracts of Win32asm and Linux assembly language programming from own hard disks. Fireworks Simulation enriched with fast MMX Blur and Light effects. SparcZ Server, Winsock example using Telnet port. Kunthrandum, a Hi-Fi audio power amplifier project. Contains permitted RGB colors and natural identical flavors. No added sugar.